Federal Lawsuits Challenge, but Do Not Halt, FTC Rule Banning Non-Competes; What Employers Can Do to Protect Information and Talent in the Absence of Non-Competes
Article co-written by Ryan Starks, David Paxton, and Summer Associate Haley Leipzig On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) issued a Final Rule (the “Rule”) that will enact a “comprehensive ban on non-competes with all workers” as of September 4, 2024.[1] The Rule aims to prohibit employers from using or enforcing non-compete agreements with employees or independent contractors when their employment ends, in order to address what the FTC deems “unfair methods of restricting competition.”[2] The full text of the Rule can be accessed here.[3]. If the FTC rule becomes effective, it will supersede and supplant Virginia law […]