
$625,000 Awarded for Lingual Nerve Perforated During Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Gentry Locke for the Plaintiff

Augusta County Circuit Court

The Defendant, an oral surgeon, removed our client’s wisdom teeth when she was 12 years of age. During that surgery, the Defendant completely severed the left lingual nerve and perforated the lingual plate. This has caused numbness, hypersensitivity, discomfort, and pain to the left side of our client’s mouth that she will suffer until the day she dies. The Defendant refused to accept responsibility for her surgical negligence, so we proceeded to trial to hold the Defendant accountable and prevent this from happening to another person. An Augusta County jury unanimously found the Defendant liable and awarded $625,000 in compensation to our client.

Status of the case:

Jury awarded our client $625,000. Case is awaiting entry of Final Order.

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