Successful Defense of Multi-Million Dollar Defamation Suit Against Newspaper
Gentry Locke for the Defense
Giles County Circuit Court
Gentry Locke successfully defended a multi-million dollar defamation lawsuit filed by a former Narrows High School principal against The Virginian-Leader, the local Giles County newspaper.
The mayor of the Town of Narrows wrote a letter to the editor, in his private capacity, which was published by the The Virginian-Leader.
In fall 2015, the former principal filed a 23 count lawsuit claiming, among other charges, defamation. Gentry Locke represented The Virginian-Leader; the mayor was represented by separate counsel.
The Court found that the statements at issue were not defamatory, which was fatal to all claims.
Dismissed with prejudice in favor of our client. There will be no appeal.