
Successful Defense of Multi-Million Dollar Defamation Suit Against Newspaper

Gentry Locke for the Defense

Giles County Circuit Court

Gentry Locke successfully defended a multi-million dollar defamation lawsuit filed by a former Narrows High School principal against The Virginian-Leader, the local Giles County newspaper.

The mayor of the Town of Narrows wrote a letter to the editor, in his private capacity, which was published by the The Virginian-Leader.

In fall 2015, the former principal filed a 23 count lawsuit claiming, among other charges, defamation. Gentry Locke represented The Virginian-Leader; the mayor was represented by separate counsel.

The Court found that the statements at issue were not defamatory, which was fatal to all claims.

Status of the case:

Dismissed with prejudice in favor of our client. There will be no appeal.

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