
Test LE Registration – REVISED

February 6, 2018 and March 6, 2018

Enter a brief description of the event here. Images can also be included in the body field.

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LE Registration Form - REVISED

Please complete the form below. To ensure we are able to respond, please provide a phone number and email address.

Primary Mailing Address

We will use this address when we mail communications about this event.

Attendee Information

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Payment Options

$170 per attendee until March 31, thereafter $200 per attendee

You will choose your payment option on the next step (after you Submit Registration)

Please note: any information provided to Gentry Locke Rakes & Moore, LLP through this website is not considered confidential as this site is not secure. No attorney-client relationship exists simply by providing this information. Nothing contained in this website should be construed to constitute a recommendation or endorsement of any product, service or site by Gentry Locke.

Bruce C. Stockburger

Bruce Stockburger is a Partner in the firm with 38 years of experience providing business owners with sophisticated tax and business advice, including multi-generation wealth preservation techniques such as family limited partnerships, grantor trusts, generation-skipping trusts, charitable remainder and lead trusts, qualified personal residence trusts and business succession plans. He has served as counsel to many physician group practices, including the largest multi-specialty physician organization in Virginia for 15 years.

Meet Bruce

Event Registration

Please fill in all fields on the registration form. Inaccurate or incomplete information could result in a failure to process your registration.

Primary Mailing Address

We will use this address when we mail communications about this event. If this address is the main address for your office, keep the "Use for all attendees" checkbox selected to automatically apply this address to multiple attendee registrations.

Registered Attendees

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