
Lynchburg Office Open House Packed with Great People and Great Food

June 16, 2015 (Lynchburg, Va.): The official ribbon cutting ceremony and Open House for Gentry Locke’s Lynchburg office proved a great success. The downtown Lynchburg office, located at 801 Main Street on the 11th floor, was filled to the brim with clients and friends of the firm.

On hand with a large, red ribbon (and what must be in the Guinness Book of World Records as one of the largest pairs of wooden scissors) were John Mastroianni and Edie Swann, representing The Lynchburg Regional Chamber of Commerce. The honors of cutting the red ribbon went to partner Brett Marston, ably assisted by Lynchburg office partners Herschel Keller and Glenn Pulley.

While the office opened in February, this was the firm’s chance to truly welcome our friends and be welcomed in turn by the wonderful people at the Lynchburg Regional Chamber of Commerce. Delicious food and an open bar conveyed Gentry Locke’s generous hospitality to all in attendance. The views of the lovely Hill City from this office are quite beautiful from every window.

Gentry Locke thanks everyone who came out to support us and enjoy great fellowship and fine food.


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