Alert: New FMLA Guidebook Available
The Department of Labor (“DOL”) has issued a new guidebook designed to make it easier to understand the complicated set of rules that comprise the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”). The guidebook attempts to set out the regulations in simpler and more direct language. The pamphlet includes a flowchart that will allow employees to determine if they are eligible for FMLA leave. The guidebook is designed mainly for use by employees. The DOL hopes employees will take the guidebook to medical providers because it includes a detailed explanation of the medical certification process. The end of the guidebook outlines how an employee can make a complaint with the DOL if the employee believes that his or her rights under the FMLA have been violated. The guidebook is currently available on the DOL’s website in English, but a Spanish version is promised in the near future.
For employers, the issuance of this guidebook is yet another effort by the Administration (similar to the NLRB’s recent concerted activity website) to educate employees about their rights. An increase in claims is likely. If you have questions regarding the FMLA, whether your policies comply with the law and its regulations, or have specific issues involving an employee, please feel free to contact David Paxton (540.983.9334; or Lindsey Coley.
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