
Environmental Investigations & Reports

Compliance with environmental regulations requires regulated entities to determine the risks and report their business practices. Reporting errors or inaccuracies may result in severe consequences. Therefore, accurate investigative work and reporting is critical. Gentry Locke works with our clients and appropriate technical consultants to assure accurate and complete information exchanges.

We enable our clients to be compliant in the following matters:

  • Permit compliance reports
  • SARA Title III reporting
  • Voluntary reporting
  • Audit-related reporting
  • FIN 47 compliance
  • Superfund release reporting
  • Clean Air and Clean Water reporting

Environmental Permitting

All environmental regulatory programs employ the concepts of permitting and enforcement. Gentry Locke attorneys provide legal services regarding permits, controlling waste water, and air issues under federal, state, and local rules.

Our attorneys assist clients in the acquiring or achieving the following:

  • Clean Air Act permits, including Title V, PSD and general permitting
  • Clean Water Act permits, including point source discharges and municipal storm and wastewater management
  • RCRA permitting for large, small and conditionally exempt generators
  • Landfill permitting
  • Farm-related permitting, including animal feeding, farm waste, and stream protection
  • TSCA compliance
  • FIFRA compliance

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